The Standard Squeeze | Original Bottle

$24.95$30.95 + Postage

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It’s Easy

Easily pour one standard nip/shot/drink at a time with The Standard Squeeze…or make it a double! Either way you will know exactly how much you are consuming.


No more Glass!

There are plenty of places glass is prohibited including beaches, pool areas and festivals. The Standard Squeeze can be thrown in the esky, buried in ice, thrown in the boat, ute, car or motorbike saddle bag, with no worries about breaking or leaking.



Drinks taste better measured, plus you can mix your favourite spirit with the mixer of your choice, as opposed to the basic soft drink that comes in premixed drinks.



Save on weight in the caravan or camper. An empty XL Squeeze weights 120 grams compared to an empty 1L whiskey/spirit bottle at 700 grams plus. That certainly adds up over multiple bottles! The Squeeze can also be stored much easier by lying flat or stacked in a cupboard.


Legal Limit

Stay under the legal limit 0.05 BAC. Using The Standard Squeeze makes it easier to stick to the one drink per hour method and know you can comfortably still drive your vehicle. This also applies to the following day after drinking, the measurements on the side of the bottle indicate how much was consumed to help calculate when you can drive.